Author Archive | Marcel Oudejans

Store business notes forever

My desk used to be piled high with notebooks, folders, mail, receipts and other important pieces of paper. Not only would it be difficult to find a specific piece of information I was looking for, but most of the paper I had stored would never be needed again. Not too long ago, you’d keep your… [Continue Reading]

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Only one password to remember

Whether you’re checking your bank account online, opening your webmail, logging in to your computer, or simply unlocking your smartphone, you’ll need to remember a password. In the past, you could get away with remembering one password for every website or account. With the increase in online fraud and hacking, that’s asking for trouble. It… [Continue Reading]

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Fun at work prevents burnout

I am sure you’ve heard these words from well-meaning friends and family members, regardless of whether you’re an employee or business owner… “Man, you look like you need a holiday!” or “Are you working late AGAIN?!” More and more people are experiencing burnout and other stress-related problems. This has a direct impact on the bottom… [Continue Reading]

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