Join the new online show for entrepreneurs

Christoff Oosthuysen 260x300 Join the new online show for entrepreneurs

Christoff Oosthuysen

Small business owners will soon be able to get much more than the information offered in the pages of this newspaper with the imminent launch of Small Business Connect Radio, a new online talk show.

Initially Small Business Connect will host the show every month via Google Hangouts, but it is anticipated that in time it will increase to a weekly event.

“The phenomenal increase during recent months in activity on the Small Business Connect Facebook fanpage shows us that small business owners are very keen to engage around issues that make doing better business possible,” says Small Business Connect Publisher, Christoff Oosthuysen.

“The keen response of entrepreneurs to our polls and posts directed us towards exploring live events through the internet,” he says.

While the Small Business Connect following on Facebook is still not as big as that of established publications, the level of engagement is exceptional.

For instance, the number of page likes recorded is only five percent of that of Entrepreneur Magazine, but the number of people commenting and clicking on the Small Business Connect page is double the number achieved by Entrepreneur Magazine in recent months.

Business owner and radio man Herman Tefo will host the show along with youth entrepreneurship personality Ntsiki Mkhize.

Regular guests will include Gcobani “The-Business-Finance-Man” Ndabeni and Small Business Connect news editor Nabelah Fredericks.

Entrepreneurs covered in that month’s edition will also appear as guests on the show.

“This new radio show should not be confused with broadcasts over the air,” says Oosthuysen. “This is an online show, which listeners join in on via the internet, either on their computers or mobile devices.”

The first Small Business Radio hangout is scheduled for Tuesday August 12 at 7.30pm.

  • To register to receive email reminders of the shows, go to

, Gcobani “The-Business-Finance-Man” Ndabeni, Herman Tefo, Nabelah Fredericks, Ntsiki Mkhize, Small Business Connect Radio

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